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Top Online IDEs to Test Your PHP Code

Sometimes you don’t have an Apache server on your PC and you don’t want to go through the hassle of uploading your PHP script to your web hosting space just to test if your tweaks inside the code work. Sometimes you just need to paste the code inside the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and see the result, including potential errors and suggestions to fix them. Also, the ability to work with languages other than PHP is a plus.

1. CodeRun Studio

Full featured programming IDE. Supports a C#/.NET, PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS. You can work with projects and multiple files simultaniuously. You can also upload your existing project and edit it online. You are also given a link to share your projects online.
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2. Codepad

Plain and simple. Supports about 13 programming languages including C/C++, Perl, Ruby and more. After pasting a code the user is given an unique URL that can be shared with other people, so they can see the result too. You can make the code private if you are concerned about privacy. No registration required.

3. IDEOne.com

The functionality is close to Codepad. Supports more than 40 programming languages. There is an optional registration if you want to manage your submitted scripts.

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